Selasa, 15 September 2009

Sandra Dewi

Sandra Monica Nicholle Sandra Dewi Gunawan Basri
Pangkal Pinang, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, August 18, 1983
Sandra Dewi with full name Monica Nicholle Sandra Dewi Gunawan Basri was a star model and also stars acting Indonesia.

Although classified as a newcomer, Sandra who likes to eat snakes and monkeys are known to the public so quickly through his acting in Quickie Express together with Tora Sudiro and Aming and having a deadline sinetron CINTA INDAH.
Born in Pangkal Pinang, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, August 18, 1983, the eldest of three brothers moved to Jakarta in 2001 to continue studying at the London School Of Public Relations.
Princess partner Andreas Gunawan Basri and this Erliani Chatarina started his career through the 2002 election and Miss enchanteur West Jakarta tourism ambassador. But then Sandra decided to concentrate in college.
Bloody girl Palembang, Tionghoa, Sundanese, and the Dutch began to decide the total in the entertainment world since becoming champion two Fun Fearless Female Majalah Cosmopolitan 2006. Where one of the jurors director BERBAGI SUAMI, Nia Dinata.
Nia also later offered to follow Sandra and then casting the role of Lila in Quickie Express.
Through Quickie Express film, Sandra was chosen as Favorite New Immigrants star version of the Indonesian Movie Award (IMA) in 2008.
In addition to acting talent, Sandra began to pull the voice penetrated the world. Together with Dewi Sandra Luna Maya and Play single issue in order to welcome the Euro 2008.
Sandra who called his fans as 'Sanders' was returned to acting on the big screen titled Tarzan TO CITY. In the film Sandra also contributed his voice to the movie soundtrack.
Beginning in 2009, Sandra explore other areas as a presenter of music events called the Trans TV DERINGS with Desta Club Eighties.
In mid-2009, Sandra was elected Lepra Ambassador. As ambassador leprosy, Sandra served a visit to the sufferer

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